Cyber crisis management: strengthen your organization’s resilience

Today the question is no longer whether you will be the victim of a cyberattack, but when?

The challenge is therefore to prepare to respond to a cyberattack that will paralyze all or part of your activity.
The best way to prepare for an incident response is to carry out crisis management exercises with our GDPR experts experienced in simulation and the animation of crisis cells.

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Why are cyber crisis management exercises essential?

In the digital age, cyberattacks are increasing in number and are becoming increasingly sophisticated and difficult to thwart. Companies must therefore anticipate and prepare to effectively manage a crisis situation.

Cyber ​​crisis management exercises play a key role in this approach.
They allow realistic incidents to be simulated in order to:

  • test the responsiveness of teams,
  • identify vulnerabilities,
  • strengthen security protocols.

These simulations offer, as part of cyber crisis management training, a better-controlled environment to:

  • improve coordination between members of the crisis unit,
  • reduce the potential impacts of the cyberattack,
  • protect your organization’s sensitive data.

Tailored to your industry and organization, the cyber crisis management exercise ensures better resilience against digital threats and builds stakeholder confidence.
Integrating these crisis management exercises into your strategy is essential to:

  • prevent business interruptions,
  • limit financial losses,
  • maintain your organization’s reputation.

Prepare today to meet these challenges.
It is therefore crucial for organizations to effectively prepare to manage such crisis situations.

Our personalized approach as a DPO consulting firm

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At Lexagone, we support you in preparing for and raising awareness of cyber crisis management based on the methodologies proposed by the ANS and ANSSI for the “beginner” and “intermediate” levels.

During crisis management exercises, our team presents stimuli to your crisis unit to put professionals in a situation regarding their organization and the fundamentals of cybersecurity, including business recovery and cyber crisis communication.

This exercise is carried out over 2 hours with an awareness presentation support and stimuli to address the fundamental points. It is not a question of bringing together the entire crisis unit but 2 to 3 of its members depending on the discussions during the framing meetings.


The 3 key steps to successful crisis management exercises


Step 1: Framing the level and the crisis unit

  • Determine the pilot within your structure.
  • Define the level of crisis management exercise desired and adapted to your organization.
  • Determine the person in charge of your crisis unit and its composition.
  • Define the implementation methods.

Step 2: Organizing the exercise

  • Design a realistic scenario based on your sector of activity and your specificities.
  • Collection of documentation: gather existing documents relevant to the exercise.
  • Provisional schedule.
  • Request the IT department if necessary.

Step 3: Carrying out the crisis management exercise

  • Carry out interactive simulations with sending of stimuli by SMS and e-mail, monitoring of actions, and keeping of a log.
  • Feedback (RETEX) to analyze performance, identify areas for improvement and provide recommendations.

"Beginner" level of crisis management exercise

The objective of the beginner level is to verify through the presentation of stimuli 5 fundamental points of crisis management, by questioning the professionals present in the framework of the exchange:

  • The methodology for qualifying the incident.
  • The crisis unit (existence, organization, member).
  • The communication plan.
  • Raising awareness among staff (business aspect, continuity of service, etc.).
  • The requests of the different organizations/authorities (ecosystem).

The beginner level is carried out over 2 hours with an awareness presentation support and stimuli to address the 5 fundamental elements mentioned above.

It is not a question of bringing together the entire crisis unit but 2 to 3 of its members depending on the discussions during the framing.

The assessment is based on these elements using the grid proposed by the ANS.

"Intermediate" level of crisis management exercise

The objective of the intermediate level is to condition the members of the crisis unit through the presentation of stimuli to let them interact with each other and make the decisions they deem appropriate.

This involves observing the interactions between the members and the decision-making envisaged.

The following points will be analyzed:

  • The methodology for qualifying the incident.
  • The crisis unit (existence, organization, member, expert).
  • The communication plan.
  • Raising staff awareness (business aspect, continuity of service, etc.).
  • Notifications and requests to the various organizations/authorities (ecosystem).
  • The organization (paper, equipment, procedures, logbook).
  • The functional analysis of the PCA.
  • The feedback procedure in the event of a crisis.

The intermediate level is carried out with an awareness presentation support and stimuli to address the aforementioned elements.

This involves bringing together all the members of the crisis unit.

This level requires the existence of a unit within the organization. The assessment is based on elements of the grid proposed by the ANS.

Let's talk about your compliance

Contact Information

Mail :
Phone : +33 (0)972 169 310

Lexagone is present at:

  • Biarritz
  • Bordeaux
  • Grenoble
  • Lille
  • Lyon
  • Marseille
  • Montpellier
  • Nantes
  • Toulon
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Our GDPR consulting firm offers external DPO services managed by teams of specialized legal experts to ensure controlled GDPR governance.

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